Monday, March 12, 2007

US Navy to Join Davy Jones?

Jan 31, 2007 06:46

The Chinese subs are playing tag with the helpless US Navy along US coasts again. So successful are they that last year, "a Song-class diesel-electric boat, popped up undetected in the middle of a carrier battle group, which was operating in deep water off Okinawa."

Or like the Russian fighter that flew over an American carrier, photographed it, and had the picture faxed back to the Navy.

The Navy is a special target for the Chinese and Russians. "Chinese hackers attacked U.S. Naval War College computers in November [2006]," which is significant because "officers have begun to talk among themselves about a preemptive strike using information warfare."

China has a strategic alliance with Mexico, and is a growing presence in Canada. A preemptive strike would likely use Spetsnaz and Chinese special forces from Mexico just prior to the attack.
That may explain Iran's boldness. Both Russia and China are helping build their nuclear capability.

"Iranian President Ahmadinejad told Syria’s foreign minister: “the United States and the Zionist regime of Israel will soon come to the end of their lives.” The end is near, he says. The time to strike is approaching. "

The massive terror assault that Bush fears will result in the end of America as a state, and troops will be invited into the US to control the refugees.

"A successful assault against one city, killing five to fifty thousand people, would almost certainly trigger an unprecedented economic and political crisis in America.

First, the dollar would lose its value. Second, cities would shut down and people would flee to the countryside. National paralysis and the collapse of entire industries could follow."