Monday, March 12, 2007

Catholics Rebel against Vatican Theft of Jerusalem

The Vatican is still engaged in the Counter Reformation and is stirring up resentment among laymen more devoted to righteousness than to the Vatican.

Israel's leadership repeatedly visits the Vatican prior to new public policy announcements, leading many to suspect that the Vatican has enough dirt on Israel's politicians to be able to influence the course of events.

What is happening in Israel is summarized by the book, Vatican Ratline: The Vatican, the Nazis and the New World Order, by Mauri, saying "The Vatican's goal of control of Jerusalem, moves ever closer to reality, through the help of corruption at the highest levels of the Zionist movement in Israel."

"That extra element of War was added by pushing the Muslims around in the area, so that there could be no peace." We see this in Iraq today, when al Qaeda attack Shiite who retaliate against Sunni etc.

The treason of Israel's politicians is identical to the treason of American politicians. Both betray their state to globalist such as King Juan Carlos or the English monarchy through trade treaties.
The fate of Jews is prophetic as to what will happen to the rest of the world if they do not judge their own governments.

Jews in World War II did not resist because of their leadership. The Judenrat. Jews today and Americans in particular, do not resist the same decent into tyranny because of their leadership. The pastors, rabbis, and conservatives.

Catholic writer Francisco Gil-White warns, "Just as the Nazis needed Rudolf Kastner to distract and reassure the Hungarian Jews, so do the forces that would now destroy the Israeli Jews need Ehud Olmert or any of the main current pretenders to the Israeli prime ministership to distract and dupe the Israelis -- and to repress any protest, too -- while the next slaughter, due very soon, is being prepared."

If the Jews die, so will the Protestants.

Expecting last minute salvations is historically foolish. "It is difficult to learn because they would rather cling to their illusions than to their very lives. As George Santayana correctly said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The Jews are about to repeat their own tragic past."

The religious Jews in particular had a right to expect support from the Christian churches, but have never received any significant material benefit. The churches were warned, that they exist unnaturally as long as their faith had practical meaning.

The end of the Jews will be the end of the church which has no other foundation than the life of one rabbi.

Gil-White continues, "Is this inevitable? Well no. But without a revolution, it is a certain outcome. If the Israeli Jews simply trust that their so-called leaders will defend them, or that their Diaspora brethren will come in a white horse to rescue them, their fate will be identical to that of the Hungarian Jews in WWII."

"The Hungarian Jews trusted. And they died."

Likewise, the American Christians are trusting in tyrants and pastors who suppress any sort of revolution, making the outcome certain. They share in the guilt of their government and will fulfill the desire of Islam, which is the death of the Big Satan and of the Little Satan.