Tuesday, March 13, 2007

How America Will Die

The loss of sovereignty is a global movement that will result in most Americans losing their house, car, guns, and their lives if they object. The blame is not to the Socialist and Muslims who at least are faithful to their doctrines, but to the churches. It was the reformation that brought us the monstrosity called the Nation State. And now they say, “We are not political!” Perhaps they mean they are not biblically political.

Their fate is written in the book they detest, the bible. Not only will they lose their property, but be attacked by wild animals, terrified by natural cataclysm, and hunted by men. Call it persecution or tribulation, but it is deserved by do-nothing Christians whose every action seems to benefit wickedness more than righteousness.

Lets see their future being played out in Gush Katif, Kfar Darom, and Shirat Hayam. Morning rises to find “Some 1,500 troops are now surrounding the beachside community of Shirat HaYam,” near Gush Katif. The town being evicted under Eminent Domain to ultimately be sold, for a Casino?

While cameras role, “The soldiers and police broke through the main fence, and later began to deploy all along the hundreds of meters of beach." At 1:30 PM, the soldiers knocked on the door of the first caravan and offered to help them pack.”

Another raid. “Army forces surround the synagogue in Kfar Darom and the hundreds of youths gathered in and atop it.” It was the Indianapolis Baptist Temple before, but all of them face a similar fate in the states. After all, Jesus was a Rabbi and the churches were his congregation.

At Gush Katif, “The forced evacuation of families from their homes in the largest Gush Katif community continues. Residents being dragged or walking out amidst weeping and screaming is the order of the day.”

There are plans to reproduce the scenes in Israel right here in America. Israel is a test which the American Christians are failing.

American land is to be Disengaged from the owners and given to the Animal Authority who will attack their playing children even as they move out. The article, “’Rewilding' could mean lions at large in US “, said “Introducing free-ranging African cheetahs back to the south-west could restore the relationship with pronghorns and provide endangered cheetahs with a new habitat.”

Even nature is marshalling force against America. The formerly quiet New Madrid fault recently produced two earthquakes in New Mexico and Arkansas. Lightning and loud explosions associated with earthquakes are at least getting FEMA’s attention. But from the men who have an entire book written about such things occurring, not a word.

Between August and December is when a large earthquake is expected in the North West and has even the Russian FEMA mobilizing toward the Kamchatka peninsula near Alaska.

Not two by two are animals seeking refuge, but by the thousands. In Florida, “a wide variety of sea creatures came swimming south in a narrow band close to the beach”

If anyone wants to be saved nowadays, get out of the church. Do what they despise and despise what they do. They claim to be the new Israel, but they lie. The Jews should have had the church as a helper, not fighting the globalist alone.

Foreigners see a once free people completely subjugated. This done with the aid of the church whose role is to prevent rebellion. Sorcha Faal wrote about her recent visit to the US, “Yesterday I arrived in the United States, New York, and upon my arrival I witnessed these Americans being totally subjugated by their Military Authorities in ways that defy even our understanding.”

“My first sight of these American peoples were them standing in lines, by the hundreds, shoes in their hands waiting to be searched by the police. Old women, children and pregnant mothers were pulled aside to be privately searched while Middle Eastern men were allowed clear passage through their airport security checkpoints.”

A second reformation is overdue.
