Monday, March 12, 2007

Global Warming Deniers are Criminal

Feb 02, 2007 12:38

The global warming penalty being planned can be seen in the EU 'genocide denial' law which can jail you for three years.

It criminalizes those who question the law by punishing those who question the extent of any infraction. It "would criminalise those who question the extent of war crimes that have taken place in the past 20 years."

If the British tyrant succeeds, the doctrine will be used for earth crimes and those who question whether that law went too far.

Even though the law sounds like it applies to Jews killed in President Hitler's jobs program, it does not. Holocaust denial is a personal choice having nothing to do with available historical documentation. The truth does not need a Big Brother.

The wickedness of global warming laws does require some protection. These new laws are intended to outlaw free thought. Even unpleasant thought.

Will England rebel against the queen?