Monday, March 12, 2007

America's Sex Slave Trade

Feb 06, 2007 09:39

Let's not accuse the Muslims of dominating the sex slave business when Americans daily offer their daughters to anyone who will give them a little cash.

The public schools, the media, entertainment, and the homosexuals top the list of gropers and abusers with a financial interest in defiling little girls.

The parents are to blame. Public schools are mere baby sitters so that women can pass on to their daughters what happened to them. Condoms and sex-ed serve no purpose other than to charge the classroom for a little hook-up.

And hookers they become in their attitude, mindset, and capacity to enjoy sex, which is to say--none.

The media titillates the girls and shows her how to titillate the boys who will always be too young for her to marry.

The entertainment industry needs new young girls to smile and hop and serve the men whom they were trained to despise.

The homosexuals and the UN need new recruits and restrictions on marriage lest the trend towards young girls actually marrying older men capable of caring for them, gets completely out of control and the supply of lesbians dry up.

Of course the warlocks at Merk and other temples are happy to provide potients to solve whatever problem she acquires. And the gods such as Rick Perry and Rick Warren get more offerings and their chicks for free.

Barbara Simpson said, "Perry's a Republican who's apparently forgotten the concepts of 'smaller government' and 'government out of our lives.'" Actually he didn't. Perry and Warren are statists.

A statist's problem is theologically stated this way: if god is all powerful, how can he let bad things happen? To them, god is not all powerful because bad things happen. But the god of Israel is not a statist.