Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Jewish Psychosis

Jan 08, 2007 12:07

Vox Day has experienced a true Antijew Jew. They are psychotics who have done more damage to Jews and Israel than Hitler or the Arabs could have ever dreamed.

There is an old Yiddish adage that says, "Our own Jews will destroy us." Their reasoning is summarized this way: "Thus spake the AntiJew: 'With twenty-one Arab states and only one for Jews, the problem is: There aren't enough Arab states.'

The Arabs have 40% more land than Americans. Israel owns land the size of New Jersey. But the AntiJew says, 'Israel has way too much land, and the Arabs not enough.'"[1]

When Vox Day encounters this sort of madness, the result is predictable. Michael Medved said to a caller, "He [Vox] was talking about the idea of deportation... Okay, the Germans didn't deport Jews, they murdered them."

The perplexed caller responds, "So what? You're comparing the final example of the Jews, what he's talking about is deportation."

The Antijew reflexively sputters, "No, he is not talking about deportation!" [2]

The role of Jews in expanding the global government should not be taken lightly. The Erev Rav have pretended to be Jews ever since leaving Egypt, have been involved with attempts by Nazi's and communists to rule the world. There is no irony. The Judenrat legally delivered millions of Jews to the government during World War II, and will deliver you today.

1 Sha'i ben-Tekoa, http://www.deprogramprogram.com/
2 Selling out America, http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=536673 http://www.jpfo.org/alert20010903.htm