Monday, March 12, 2007

Civil War III

Jan 26, 2007 08:19

A faithful application of the constitutions would have kept governments as weak public utilities, and out of any political controversy. But the Loyalists who remained after the revolutionary war made a weapon out of government and have used it to break up communities, plunder the wealth, and now to erase national boundaries.

The first civil war was the American Revolution and the second was called the Civil War. Patrick Henry warned about the danger of a Civil War, another tax rebellion, and the Loyalist won.
It may only be fear that keeps the Black Regiment silent, the Pastors, but it is no defense for failing to protect the life and property of the congregation. As David said to Saul's body guard after failing, "you deserve to die."

The "government" knows how dangerous their position is. For example Ed Brown relates, "In November of 2004. They arrived with twenty-eight approximate personnel. Twenty of them were CID, IRS, two US Marshals and one postal officer. They had up on the hill a sniper with three observers, two state troopers backing them up behind them and one state trooper across the street. Everybody was armed and everybody had body armour."

It is just as well that the present conflict is about taxes. The first two American civil wars were tax rebellions. But perhaps the Loyalist having had well over 100 years to show what they are like will lose this time.