Monday, March 12, 2007

England Slipping into Revolution

Feb 08, 2007 10:05

The monarchy of England has repeatedly incited rebellion throughout history and appears to be starting another one. American motor vehicle departments should take heed also, but that would be out of character.

The English royalty claiming rights over all roads and autos are taxing and monitoring every aspect of travel. These are the same monarchs involved in buying US roads to do the exact same thing.

What pushed the serfs to fight was "cameras capable of taking pictures of speeding motorists. Known as intelligent road studs, they have been earmarked by ministers as the latest weapon in an increasingly sophisticated armory to be deployed on the roads."

The serfs were attacked and are defending themselves from the queen's war. The first bombs were directed toward the corporations making the cameras.

Other targets of interest were main DVLA, and the accounting firm involved.

The typical response of the state when confronted by dissent: "This, for me, has got all the hallmarks of somebody that has become deranged over something."

At least the English serfs are fighting back.

In America the state religion is too deeply rooted for anyone to do more than "disagree." The principle of freedom of travel does not exist, and driver's permits and registration and property tax are all accepted as legitimate, though "imperfect".

Apologies are due to the descendents of the British law enforcement officers killed in 1776. These acts are not terrorism but freedom fighters. What would it take to convince an American of that?

To call themselves Palestinians.

Seven attacks and the Queen wants somebody to take credit. Ok. At the gallows.