Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Troubling Medved and the Unification Synagogue

Jan 10, 2007 07:54

Michael Medved and Rick warren have the same goal to prevent a rebellion that might hinder the free trade unification leading to global government by 2010.

Medved may have a larger syndication, but Tamar Yonah has done far more interesting shows about the New World Order's 2010 goal. She has interviewed Dr. Jerome Corsi, Jeaon Veon, Aaron Russo, Barry Chamish, and more.

Some of the show titles have been:

How the United Nations Are Stealing Our Sovereignty
Warning America: Freedom To FascismHollywood Director Aaron Russo Warns You
America's Punishment?
Why Globalism Could Be Good, But Isn't
A North American Union - Against Our Will?AGAINST OUR WILL - USA dissolves
They´re "Protecting" You by Coming for Your Guns
2010 a Space Odyssey
Goodbye USA, Hello North American Union?

We have enough phoney Jews in media and politics. Tamar Yonah is expereiencing the NWO's work in Israel, and is warning Americans: 'you are next.'

http://www.israelnationalradio.com/ and http://tamaryonahshow.blogspot.com/