Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Inciting the Second Civil War

June 24,2005

The end of America is coming to the consciousness of the average arm chair quarterback. Now that the priests of Baal have openly decreed that government may seize anybody’s property after declaring it holy to government purposes, a few of the gentle sheep are smelling wolf.

The US Supreme Court started the Civil War and has not learned much since then. Perhaps well enough because trying to live at peace with them reflects badly upon the morals of the citizens.

At Fort Trumbul, Connecticut, most residents will comply and surrender their property to eminent domain. But a few may put the old fort to use if they mean what they said.”I'm not going anywhere. I'm here,” said William von Winkle, who owns three buildings on what remains of Smith Street. “I'm going to fight until they give up. They can do their little development around here with us here or they can do no development and try to take it, because until they stop trying to take my property by eminent domain, they will not build anything at Fort Trumbull. It's simple as that.”

“I don't know how they're going to get us out,” A less determined Michael Cristofaro said, “We're going to keep our homes to the bitter end, because what they've done is wrong.“
Richard Beyer finally admitted “As one gentleman that I just got off the phone with said, ‘Welcome to Russia.' ”

If New London was once a center of radical revolutionary activity, then perhaps enough Connecticut men will stop being law-abiding women and the second revolution will finally start.

There needs to be some punishment for what they have done, and Peacekeepers make a good source for supplies.

http://www.theday.com/eng/web/news/re.aspx?re=6d1f6f54-ff81-48cd-9277-7745e107dfe7 http://www.geocities.com/~jmgould/trumhist.html