Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A Second Exodus and Maccabeean Revolt

Jan 19, 2007 07:54

Withdrawing their children from the State Temple is hard for the Christian to do. It makes them seem extreme and intolerant and might land them on the no-fly list for terrorist in the holy Household Security department.

Never underestimate the depths of depravity that the compromised Christian will tolerate. Should his state reject the national ID system, he becomes a non-person. As such he can never verify the source of funds or property and it is therefore subject to confiscation. He will not be able to buy or sell financed items, and cash items would be unverifiable.
He won't be able to buy or sell? So what.

The Secularist and Statist have witnessed to the church, and she believes! To repent of the apostasy, the churches will have to become unsavory places involved in teaching the flock how not to pay Caesar a dime; how to keep their daughters away from Lord Enki; how to shoot and move; writing political covenants; and even worse, help the Jews rebuild the Holy Temple.
None of these are possible.

When President Antiochus issued regulations regarding Jewish religious practice, the flock wanted to refuse but the moderates kept urging them to comply with the law.
To have a good witness.

When the federal law enforcement officers began a crack down on the intolerance of Judaism, a moderate Hellenist Jew served as facilitator. A country priest named Mattathias damaged his witness when he killed the Jew first followed by the law enforcement officers. Thus began the Jewish Reformation.

Apart from refusing to pay government to sin, why should anyone care about the opinion of the Christian or Jew? Both need a Second Reformation or they will be assimilated.