Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Enemy is the Church

April 4,2005

The financial collapse and possible military occupation of America by the EU should be laid at the feet of the churches. It is only a symptom of the depth of depravity of Christians that wnd.com could report that, "Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson, the first openly homosexual bishop of his denomination, has angered traditionalist Anglicans by suggesting that Jesus Christ might have been homosexual."

The vileness of Robinson is legitimized by the "girlish" complaining by the congregation and by Anglican Mainstream.

Perhaps more meaningful is the first recent public indictment of the church since Martin Luther. Flip Benham speaking for Operation Rescue said, “The courts of this land have become the tool, in the hands of the devil, by which the culture of death has found access. It is savaging our people…The tragic plight of Terri Schiavo was played out for the whole world to see. Her death, though orchestrated by the courts of this land, was largely the result of an apathetic, indolent, and depraved American Church."

If the amount of time that it took them to admit what had been evident for many years is any sign, even this is meaningless, but if the president and senators and judges and pastors don't do what they do best--fast, that is to kill anyone harboring such views, they stand a chance at being tried and sentenced during a second reformation.

The church behaves as if she has a boyfriend whose name is Government. Any government. And he is to be obeyed (except when he forces us to deny…) and any "believer in Jesus Christ" who goes against government deserves what he gets. Because he is hers and she is his.

The theological effect is detestable: it makes punishing government official's sin, tyranny to be tolerated, rebellion against tyranny into rebellion against the Holy One and therefore a type of witchcraft. Where have we seen before this idea that anyone who touches a holy object should be stoned to death? In this case the holy object is any government employee. It was at Mt. Sinai where god said that the mountain was off-limits, holy, not to even be touched lest you die. The theological ramification of the evangelical churches declaration that rebellion to government is sin, is to make government holy.

It also makes the church more of an enemy than is the ACLU.

Since the churches behave like prostitutes, the pastors are clearly her pimp, and she herself does nothing: let us call her Rahab the Do Nothing. Attacking Rahab should start by depriving her of what every prostitute craves. Money. Withhold all tithes and offerings. Then perhaps enough men can arise to withhold taxes and permit fees. It will precipitate harsh reprisal by government blessed by churches.

Sorcha Faal said, "Their own destruction truly lies not in their actions, but in their inactions against the monstrosities and degradations they allow to be done in their name." A second reformation will not be civil.