Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Will Plainfield be Another Waco? (Update: 1-19-07)

Jan 19, 2007 08:02

Update: 01/18/07, 10:15 p.m. EST

I just spoke with Ed and confirmed that their jury found them both guilty of multiple felony counts today. Sounding as calm and as resolute as ever, he said, "The charges are bogus. It's over. Pretty soon they're going to try to get me."

I read him the headline and first sentence from tonight's Associated Press story, as follows:
Armed Man Guilty of Tax Evasion Barricades Himself in New Hampshire Home
CONCORD, N.H. — A man who has holed up with armed supporters in his fortress-like house for most of his tax evasion trial was found guilty Thursday, along with his wife, of engaging in an elaborate scheme to avoid paying federal income taxes for a decade. [http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,244759,00.html]

Ed Brown calmly responded, "That's it. That's the last time I'm going to talk to these reporters. They're not interested in the truth."

This has been a victory for the government's educational system and another very sad day in America. It's bad enough when governments ignore property rights, but when your neighbors no longer understand their own rights and fail to acknowledge the property rights of others, the nation is lost. America's bloodshed of revolution will begin anew.

Ed Brown was interviewed on Free Talk Live after the verdict.

[http://freetalklive.com/files/brown.mp3] 19:19