Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What is it Going to Take?

May 9,2005

The love that Americans have for a Police State exceeds they once demonized. Why it is true appears to be a combination of financial greed and religious apostasy. Financially there is a no more efficient government that dictatorship. Why tolerate losses when zero tolerance can stop it? Religiously the churches divorce politics from religion (except in Islam) resulting in votes for evil while weeping about salvation.

If Americans are to regain their freedom, they will need to repent of obeying government and treat them as what they are: tax collectors.

What’s left of American patriots will be treated harshly. Administrative detention of indefinite duration; Poverty caused by prohibition to hiring anyone not having a driver license; Brutality in the hands of our Bolshevik law enforcement; Relocation from your property; Treatments for insanity; Execution of anyone who actually defends himself from law enforcement.

The non-violent battle to save America will depend on tens of thousands of god fearing men, not “Christians”, to go to prison and to be beaten by Bolshevik soldiers and police. We hope that while most police and soldiers will obey orders, that all the god fearing ones will disobey the evil orders.

Civil disobedience should start by refusing to present papers when demanded and legitimized by the Bolshevik Supreme Court. Refuse to use a driver permit or a social security number. Refuse to register any weapon. Refuse to pay the tax, or to file a return or to accept any benefit. Chain their school gates shut and treat their law enforcement like the Palestinians -- to a volley of stones, a fitting punishment to blasphemers.

American patriots have no leadership and should speak to President George Bush and his phony conservatives from the words of Meir Feinstein who said; "You have erred. You will discover that you have come up against steel. Against steel that is fortified into a fire of love and hate, love for the homeland and for liberty, hate for the oppressor and the invader. This is a burning steel. You will not break it. It will burn your hands.

"How great is your blindness, British tyrants! Do you still not realize who stands against you in this campaign, that there is no one else like him in the history of nations? You will scare us with death? We, who for years have heard the rattle of the wheels of those railroad cattle cars that have led our brothers, our parents, the best of our people to the slaughter, something that also cannot be compared to anything else in the history of nations?

"We, who asked and now ask ourselves every day: why are we better than them, than millions of our brothers? We could have been among them and with them during the days of fear and in the moments of death.

"To these questions that we ask over and over, there is in our conscience one answer. We remained alive not to see conditions of slavery and oppression, to see a new Treblinka. We remained alive to promise life, liberty and honor for our people, for our children and for our children's children, forever and ever. We remained alive so that there would never be a repetition of what occurred there and what is liable to occur under your rule, the rule of betrayal, the rule of bloodshed.

"Therefore, we cannot be frightened. We have learned that there is a life worse than death and that there is a death that is greater than life."