Monday, March 12, 2007

Child Abduction

Feb 16, 2007 07:57

The one who will report you as a child abuser to the state is sitting in your congregations, smiling in your face and calling you "brother", but betraying you to the enemy like Judas.

The state is abducting children and uses the potients of the Warlocks of Pharma to "treat them". This is part of the Mental Health Screening that the churches think is a great idea for the deprived. The state kidnappers do this without a single ambush, sniper incident, or visit from Fatah's Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade.

Lets starts earlier, in 2002, with the kidnappers in Illinois. A Chasidic father loses a job and unable to afford the Yeshiva. He is forced to send his daughters to the public school of Sodom where they are regarded as demented by the holy ones when they refused to hook-up.

The excessively nice people said, "Instead of the pubic education teachers and administrators addressing and working to sufficiently remedy those distressing social and environmental problems, these same teachers, administrators and school counseling forced the mother and father to have the girls psychoanalyzed for their then alleged "LD or ADD/ADHD" problems, with threat in their protest that they would be taken by the state if they did not!" So they did.

The lesson: When you see them coming, "go hot", or you will never see your children again. The sound of an M1A will make the holy ones pray. Four years latter they are still waiting for the return of their children.

Ariela and Eifrat are two seriously abused addicts today while still in the care of the holy ones and Judenrat.

The naive faith of home schoolers that the state is "misguided" will result in the abduction of their children. The warlocks have potients to cure the child that your alleged god has no authority to decline. At least that's what the pastors and rabbis tell them.

Because of the betrayal of pastors and rabbis, expect to see this repeated, when "the tipster claimed, the mother "pinched and hit her kids in church to keep them quiet."

Welcome to New Warsaw, the world's biggest ghetto.

What happened in Warsaw? "When reports of mass murder in the killing center leaked back to the Warsaw ghetto, a surviving group of mostly young people formed an organization called the Z.O.B."

The Z.O.B., "issued a proclamation calling for the Jewish people to resist going to the railroad cars. In January 1943, Warsaw ghetto fighters fired upon German troops as they tried to round up another group of ghetto inhabitants."