Monday, March 12, 2007

Apocalyptica in Texas

Feb 07, 2007 09:08

Parents refusing to attend a PTA meeting will be fined. Refusing to pay the fine means jail.
Texas has become the center of tyranny, globalism, and political religious zeal. Another conservative, Rep. Wayne Smith, wants the state to arrest parents who do not show proper reverence to the school.

One of the priestesses said, "Sometimes I think they think we're out to get them. When you're talking about fining and pressing criminal charges, it kind of reflects that attitude."

Instead of giving the state a wimpy answer like, this "is going to do nothing but have a negative impact," perhaps a second reformation should begin in Austin.

The state has become a mad dog. When something called a legislature issues a decree to "ban people from using an MP3 player, cell phone, Blackberry or any other electronic device while crossing the street," for example, they should be treated as an enemy.

When Rick Perry abducts daughters for the temple of Merk, he commits capitol felony according to Torah. The complicacy of Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, and seventy more "pastors" with the state give it the appearances of right, but is not different than the conditions preceding the first reformation.

The first casualties in the Maccabean Revolt were the equivalent of today's pastors. The law enforcement officers followed.