Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Political Pariah, the Messiah, Visits Gaza

Mar 27, 2007 09:37

By 8:00 AM, Tuesday, March 27, 2007, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had gotten Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and PA Chairman and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) to agree to meet bi-weekly for the purpose of building the PLO state.

Miss Feelgood suggested that, "Arabs “have to reach out and convince Israel” that its nation will be more secure," after the Jews surrender to the PLO.

She "urged the PA to end its terrorist attacks against Israel and called upon the Jewish State to resolve the issue of access between Gaza and other PA territories." Meaning, build a highway between the PLO base camps to facilitate weapons resupply.

The Arabs were promised UN troops if needed when she "promised to work to recruit support from the international community."

While Rice was making Arafat's "piss process" a reality, Syrian-Hamas leader Khaled Masha'al in Algiers, "warned that it soon will launch a new round of the Intifada," and he "denied charges that Hamas has abandoned its policies of violence by teaming up with the rival faction to form a unity government in the Palestinian Authority (PA)." The very same one that Rice is fawning over.

Less than three hours after Rice's political and religious sewage, the uninvited Jewish (terroristic) Messiah known to have a short temper visited Gaza and wiped out a sewage treatment plant.

The flood of political flotsam left "At least six Arabs are reported dead in the raw sewage flood in the Gaza village of Um Naser... At least 25 are wounded including several children. At least 200 are missing or unaccounted for" in a village of 3000.

Even Hamas had to help dig the village out from under Rice's sludge. "Armed members of the Hamas terror organization rushed to the area to search for buried victims."

Meanwhile, "Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz has ordered the army to provide humanitarian aid to Arabs affected by the raw sewage flood," while he simultaneously "is blocking the entrance of provisions to activists who marched to Homesh Monday," trying to get their houses and land back from one of Rice's previous visits.

Said Uri Ariel, "The IDF isn't allowing food and water in to the Israeli citizens, including women and children, in Homesh. This is a grave and inhumane act. Even Arafat was provided with food in his Ramallah compound."

Yes even Arafat.

Both Olmert and Bush are traitors. Why should Washington escape the same treatment as Gaza?

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