Monday, March 12, 2007

The Final Days of the Church

Cardinal Giacomo Biffi of Bologna in Italy says that the Anti-Christ is already on earth disguised as a mortal politician. He believes that he is politically liberal, with the usual charm and fascinating personality of the elite, and advocates social justice and environmentalism.

Biffi also says that the Anti-Christ advocates vegetarianism, ecumenicalism, peace, and animal rights. He is an expert on the bible who promotes spiritual values. It sounds like he could be referring to any number of well known American pastors.

The weakness of the prophetic interpretations of the pastors is spiritualization.

John F. MacArthur warned the pastors not to spiritualize. "That kind of preaching is a form of 'Hucksterism.'" And that they "may come up with a truth that you teach, but if you spiritualize the text to do it, then you legitimize spiritualization of any text, which leaves you with any fanciful conclusion."

Exactly. A Fantasy land is where the pastors are today, where supernatural creatures are less believable than the political power of the state.

You may summarize the church's expectations about the return of Christ to defeat the Anti-Christ this way: "the government is too powerful for us to stop them and a charismatic politician with supernatural ability will rise and demand us to bow down and call him god!"

To the pastors who deserve stoning rather than a congregation, an answer does not require a bible. It is a question: "what would George Washington Do?"

Would he respect the pretenses of a godlike politician? Who among the Continentals would tremble? Did not the preachers in Massachusetts restrain the state when supernatural powers terrified the residents in 1692?

When pastors say that the present governments will number each person and demand worship, they are merely telling us what they are willing to tolerate from government, not that the bible predicts that terrifying creatures will roam the earth. Even though monsters is what it says.

If the churches continue, they will force a second reformation that may leave them without a congregation.