Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Why Annan and Hansen Should be Punished

Jun 24, 2008 10:59

The savages are drumming for the arrest, trials, and Nuremberging of those that they see as denying climate change.

The Former UN secretary general Kofi Annan on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 "called for 'climate justice', saying that it was polluters who should pay for the effects of climate change," which they regard as genocide. He added that "communities needed to be "empowered" with the knowledge and tools," meaning intelligence and law enforcement.

It might be enough to ignore the third world savage if NASA's prophet, James Hansen had not spoken to Congress on Monday, June 23 2008 urging "chief executives of large fossil fuel companies to be put on trial for high crimes against humanity and nature."

If ecological terrorism is to deny that the earth climate changes are lethal then we remind DHS that there is a terrorist that they are afraid of, Moshiach Ben David, with a long history of ecological destruction, genocide, intolerance, and making death threats to public officials. All the evidence that your "Justice Department" needs are documented--all you need is the guts. Neither the savages nor their DHS followers should be respected.
