Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The State Begins Damage Control in Eldorado

Apr 08, 2008 16:47

After raiding a Mormon commune and removing over 130 women and 400 children, the reason why the judge issued a gag order becomes apparent: There was no legal basis for the raid except their dislike of polygamy, which is not forbidden by Torah.

The state spent days violating their fourth amendment to look for birth documents, and held their husbands without charges. Reading the CPS statements gives some glimpse into the mindset of a busy-body agency that should have been dissolved. On one occasion they were meddling and said, "on at least one occasion while at the compound they could see children through the windows of houses on the ranch property, but had been denied entrance to those houses."

A worthwhile raid target would have been the nearest public school, but the real target is separatists such as homeschoolers, which they were. CPS said, "when they first arrived at the ranch they saw several teenage girls who looked pregnant. They also said they talked to several teenage girls who said they had already given birth." Like they would at the public school perhaps?

A lesbian motivation also becomes evident when one said, "It appears that the culture and moral climate at the ranch is one in which young girls are conditioned to expect and accept sexual activity with adult men at the ranch," like dating perhaps? They will pursue this line of reasoning further because like feminist, they define intercourse as abuse, and "they believed there was a ‘substantial risk’ that they would be abused again." Meaning that they would have sex again: something that wives with children do regardless of what the Pastor or his buddies in Legislature say.

CPS has the ridiculous idea that if you cannot legally marry then you are abused. If a girl reached puberty at "13 or 14 years old--they are then 'spiritually married' to an adult male member of the church. They are then required to engage in sexual activity with the men for the purpose of having children." Sort of normal for wives, but not for the approved public school girls who don’t bother.

Then CPS went on to the children and said that "children at the ranch are deprived of nutrition as a method of punishment, as well as being forced to sit in closed closets as a form of punishment." How a child is disciplined varies but missing dinner is common when they become obnoxious at the dinner table, and standing in a corner is typical also. Is the real issue that they disciplined their children at all?

It become hilarious in view of the public schools where illegitimacy is rampant for a state priest to say, "Investigators also said several children they interviewed were unable to provide the names of their biological parents, nor could they provide information such as their birthdays or places of birth." DPS should raid the inner city, then.

The ultimate reason for these raids ought to alarm homeschoolers, because they are going to experience the same sort of raids. The CPS Nazis said, "The Department is concerned about the possibility that some of these children have been denied a proper education," like they would in a public school with their daughters required to hook-up with the boys, get pregnant at 13, and be abandoned and have their lives destroyed. Thats job security for CPS and depraved pastors we believe.

As for the whining girl who gave them the excuse, both she and her family are still missing. Her complaining appears to be about a fight that she and her husband got into. A domestic quarrel that brought the state troops and destroyed the lives of 130 women.

The guilty parties are: The State of Texas, the city of Eldorado, the county of Midland, the city of Abilene, the city of San Angelo, The First Baptist Church of Eldorado, and the Odessa Salvation Army. May this become the fire which they cannot extinguish.
