Sunday, April 6, 2008

Husbands briefly prepared for war...
Summer war in Israel imminent...
Girls Like Tzviya will Bring Revolution...
Eldorado residents disperse girls, put on public assistance...
Gush Katif families are Dispersed Throughout the Country...
Mormons took sides with PA...
Mormons Funded Hamas, now receiving hamas...

First Baptist boys on a girl raid

Some pastors asked the governor, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all?" He answered, it's not a legal marriage. One said, what "God has joined together, let not man separate," but the governor said, God did not do this, and so the pastors went away.

Audio: Tamar speaks about having the strength to fight evil and stick up for your beliefs
Audio: Libby Kahane gives us a glimpse into their lives and tells us what motivated Rabbi Kahane to fight for Jews worldwide

US General runs the PA, facing civil war...
Exclusive: Iran, Syria, Lebanon on alert over US Gulf movements and Israel’s drill...