Sunday, April 13, 2008

Raiders of the Lost Sect

Apr 14, 2008 07:15

San Angelo Curses 130 Women and 400 Children

Even though there is not one single biblical prohibition against polygamy, but rather there are numerous laws about how such wives are to be treated, the churches of San Angelo have replaced Eldorado's First Baptist as the center of confusion and conflict.

Eldorado resident April Fuentes said about the broken families, “I hope they don't come back and have to live with those nasty bastards,” which is a typical and honest statement about the attitude of the new interfaith movement of statist churches.

Placing the sin of the church in context: the state raided the Mormon Kibbutz which was a large self sufficient and nice commune, abducted all the women and children over 40 miles away to San Angelo, where now they are homeless and fatherless, and now the weak willed women say, "I know those women and children awoke one day and their lives were in crisis," said Julie Glaspie-Eustis. How convenient. The state torments them and the church gets to console them.

They are "offering a personal hope for those in the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which owns the ranch. They do not know who to cry out to, but we do. My plans are not to harm you, but to prosper you,” she said quoting Jeremiah. Other women were from Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and Christ Lutheran Church.

The Jeremiah inference being the standard evangelical line that if your understanding differs from mine, you need to be saved. Even if the state is the cause, that's ok because god ordained them as Raiders of the Lost Sect.

The incident has provoked deep division in the churches at the time when a second reformation and Maccabean revolt are needed. Statist Jason Evans said, “It's pretty jacked up, marrying those young kids... Down here in Texas, we feel the value of our daughters. I won't go so far as to say they should be killed. But I do think they should be put in jail.” But not jacked to send them to a public school?

We disagree with the statist: the Maccabean revolt started not with the deaths of "Law Enforcement Officers" but of the law abiding brethren--The ones urging compliance to the law. Which one is depraved: the one marrying a 14 year old (like, say Joseph) or the ones "seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage?"

What would Jeremiah say to these holy Texas Rangers, deputies, and DHS who break into houses, and then entice silly churches weighed down with sin? "The word of the Lord is offensive to them," as in they are not under the Law and neither is their government.

"Their houses will be turned over to others," as in the collapse of their fraudulent banking system results in the foreclosure of their own house and church. "Together with their fields and their wives," as in foreign law enforcement which are already being used in the US.

"Pour it out on the children in the street," as in the public schools that the Nazis did not raid, because the works inside are acceptable--not because they differ from the "sect"--but that the reasons they are done differ.

"And on the young men gathered together," as in the troops being ambushed one day soon judging by the outcry against the Texas legislature and governor in particular.

"Both husband and wife will be caught in it," though so far only the silly women have been the spiritual leaders of the Texas raiders. And finally, "the old, those weighed down with years," who saw it happening and did nothing.
1 Timothy 4