Monday, April 21, 2008

Carter urges Hamas to take House of God...
...and US housing crisis deepens...
...and money crisis send Euro to record high over $1.60...
San Angelo Coliseum locked down as buses assemble on grounds...
Mothers report that CPS will not let them pray without being monitored....
...State relents, uses other denomination to supervise prayers!...
Women mocked for holiness and dressing for 2nd coming...

Arabia and State: Love at first sight

Independent minded boys moved 400 miles, represented a threat...
All children being photographed, finger and DNA printed...
50 days of Counting the Omer, also concludes the DNA registry of the children...
CPS using DNA test used to determine geneology...
Eldorado moms ask to stay with babies...
Nephilim spotted over Phoenix, home of Flora Jessop, troubler of Elodorado...
...also spotted over Florida...
4 lights are identical to Kokomo...
Lee Iacocca: we've had enough...
Pastor Carter re-negotiates seceding of Jerusalem's House of God...
Bush to push MEFTA with Jordanian King and Abbas...
North American Union Rulers meet in New Orleans...
No Child Left Behind Law: the end of homeschoolers...
Food rationing to retailers has already begun: matza in short supply across U.S...
Hamas (PA) to request $1.5 Billion from central banks...
UN Forces Backed Down From Hizbullah Gun Bust

The Complete Passover Holiday Page!
Faithful March around Temple Mount After Priestly Blessing...

Eldorado Expulsion Gallery
America's Gush Katif

Gush Katif Expellees Mark 1000 Days Since Expulsion