Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How FLDS Women are Dealing with the Nazis

Posted by John Burke on Apr 30, 2008 12:59

The FLDS mothers caught-on quickly to what the Texas Nazi party was doing and are giving them the Warsaw Ghetto treatment, such as they can without weapons.

CPS Commissioner Carey Cockerell is complaining, now that the oppressed women were liberated, that "the investigation has been difficult because members of the church have refused to cooperate." In addition, the women began "a coordinated effort to stymie investigators, coaching their children to not answer questions."

One way to confuse a Nazi is to avoid the cheap trick of asking a Christian a question--and real Christians cannot lie--and expecting them to rat on each other. That's an old Baptist trick. The women however, took their lesson from Rahab the harlot in Jericho whom god was pleased with, and Cockerell "said the women and children would gather into apparent family units, with the children referring to several women as their mother, then the ''women switched children in these family units ... making it difficult.

When asked, women and children would change their names and ages," he said." That is waging spiritual war with more than childish Assembly of God fantasies of heroism.

The entire matter has become a public relations battle to prevail over the fleshly minds of the more than 10,000 churches in the US. The two latest tactics of the Nazis is to have published, 1) that 60% of the wives actually had babies; and 2) that some of the rougher children occasionally got hurt--is abuse.

As of today, no public school girl and her illegitimate baby has been arrested, because the higher standard that "children under the age of 17 generally cannot consent to sex with an adult," only applies to religious girls living a relatively orderly life, and not to the "Sluttier-younger" public school "hoes".