Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Russian Intelligence on the Pakistan Nuclear Accident

Apr 09, 2008 07:22

The Russian military is leaking that the "accident" reported as " 2 die in Pakistan nuclear plant accident," was a US Special Forces raid. The Russians had leaked earlier that the US was preparing for this raid, as a prelude to a larger attack elsewhere.

The full report follows:

In a world spinning rapidly out of control, and towards total nuclear chaos, Russian Military Officials are reporting today that United States Special Forces Troops stationed in Afghanistan launched an attack against Pakistan’s Khushab Nuclear Facility which produces enriched plutonium for that Muslim Nations nuclear arsenal.

Western media sources, though confirming an explosion, and two deaths, at the Khushab Nuclear Facility have issued one of their ‘standard’ news blackouts on this attack as the United States prepares for its imminent escalation of the Middle East War with an attack on Iran, and which, these reports state, this attack upon Pakistan was meant to deter that Nation from becoming involved in.

Though the United States has been reported to be frantically working through ‘secret channels’ to insure the survival of Pakistan’s dictator, Pervez Musharraf, against that Nations newly installed government, his fall appears imminent, and with his ouster the Americans would lose their only ally in that volatile region.

These reports continue by stating that the United States War Leaders became ‘alarmed’ by the statements made by Pakistan’s new government about the planned release of the ‘Father’ of their nuclear weapons programme, Abdul Qadeer Khan, and who the American’s had labeled as one of their top enemies for his selling of nuclear secrets to Iran.

The effect of this new attack by the US against Pakistan, these reports say, is twofold in its objectives, and which are: 1.) To show the new government of Pakistan the full ‘power and resolve’ of American Military Forces, and 2.) Convince Pakistan’s new government that without Musharraf leading them they face certain destruction.

At this time it is not known what the reaction of the new Pakistani government will be to this latest attack upon their sovereignty, but it can be stated, and by their past actions, that the United States is fully prepared to embroil the entire World in Total War prior to the collapse of their economy.

As the price of oil on the World markets surge towards record highs, and as the American people are now being warned that their petrol prices are about to go over $4.00 a gallon, and as the US Federal Reserve continues to pump billions of more dollars into their rapidly failing banking system, it goes without saying that the once great United States appears, indeed, to be on the verge of imminent collapse.

So dangerous has the situation in the United States become, that no less than the New York Times itself, and which bills itself as the ‘Nations Newspaper’, is now writing about the growing dangers facing the American people, and as we can read in their article titled "Duck and Cover: It’s the New Survivalism", and which says:

"THE traditional face of survivalism is that of a shaggy loner in camouflage, holed up in a cabin in the wilderness and surrounded by cases of canned goods and ammunition.

It is not that of Barton M. Biggs, the former chief global strategist at Morgan Stanley. Yet in Mr. Biggs’s new book, “Wealth, War and Wisdom,” he says people should “assume the possibility of a breakdown of the civilized infrastructure.”

“Your safe haven must be self-sufficient and capable of growing some kind of food,” Mr. Biggs writes. “It should be well-stocked with seed, fertilizer, canned food, wine, medicine, clothes, etc. Think Swiss Family Robinson. Even in America and Europe there could be moments of riot and rebellion when law and order temporarily completely breaks down.”

Survivalism, it seems, is not just for survivalists anymore.

Faced with a confluence of diverse threats — a tanking economy, a housing crisis, looming environmental disasters, and a sharp spike in oil prices — people who do not consider themselves extremists are starting to discuss doomsday measures once associated with the social fringes.

They stockpile or grow food in case of a supply breakdown, or buy precious metals in case of economic collapse. Some try to take their houses off the electricity grid, or plan safe houses far away. The point is not to drop out of society, but to be prepared in case the future turns out like something out of “An Inconvenient Truth,” if not “Mad Max.”

“I’m not a gun-nut, camo-wearing skinhead. I don’t even hunt or fish,” said Bill Marcom, 53, a construction executive in Dallas.

Still, motivated by a belief that the credit crunch and a bursting housing bubble might spark widespread economic chaos — “the Greater Depression,” as he put it — Mr. Marcom began to take measures to prepare for the unknown over the last few years: buying old silver coins to use as currency; buying G.P.S. units, a satellite telephone and a hydroponic kit; and building a simple cabin in a remote West Texas desert.

“If all these planets line up and things do get really bad,” Mr. Marcom said, “those who have not prepared will be trapped in the city with thousands of other people needing food and propane and everything else.”

Unfortunately, however, the numerous warnings being issued to the American people continue to appear to be falling upon ears that can’t hear, eyes that can’t see, and minds that can’t think.

One can only wonder how these once great people have failed to remember the many lessons passed down to them by their ancestors and have descended to the point where they have become virtual slaves to their masters of war.