Friday, April 11, 2008

San Angelo Visited by the Political Pariah, the Messiah

Apr 11, 2008 07:55

On midnight Wednesday night, April 9, 2008 there was a storm that ruined San Angelo, Texas, headquarters of the Eldorado expulsion and detention center for 400 children with 130 attending mothers. The city whined about the price of $60,000 per day to force otherwise self-sufficient families into the system, was visited by the Messiah who left parts of the city in splinters.

The usual reasons why the Messiah would visit the US with an attitude were in effect: the US sinned twice, (1) by planning the division of Jerusalem, resulting in the loss of a Jerusalem airport, and in retaliation, has resulted in over 3,000 AA flight cancellations primarily in DFW, Texas. The new cancellations began on Wednesday, April 8, 2008, but obviously the "piss talks" had begun earlier. (2) The US paid money to, and has a military commander in the Fatah, which then raided a fuel depot on Wednesday, April 9, at Nahal Oz.

The Messiah's attacks resumed on Thursday, April 10, 2008 with more than 200 "homes" damaged in Muldrow, Oklahoma, just as the house of god is being put under contract to the PA. The end is not near--as long as the US, and Texas in particular, is the capital of the anti-god forces of the world. More attacks are expected until Shabbat begins on Friday evening, and should resume Sunday.

UPDATE: 4-29-2008, added same-date article:

Moshiach is Hiding Amongst the People