Saturday, April 12, 2008

Massachusetts Town in Turmoil

Apr 14, 2008 07:10

The home of the American Revolution is arguing among themselves about the homosexual public school training given in Lexington, MA schools. The troubler is Hal Turner, who is doing a better job at putting a little fear into mindless public officials.

Their entire accusation against him is "advocate violence," that is, after they get over the legal distinctions of "threatening" and "opinion". Turner urged the Lexington slaves to revolt again.

Clearly this method of dialog is the only one that they ever take seriously, and the fear and trembling heard in the voices of the enemy seems to result in stuttering, confused questions, and deflection to the favorite topic of the demagogues: racism.

Why the enemy has prevailed is a mystery considering their cowardly, simple-mined analysis of everything. They are even afraid of a sunny day! To allow these people to ruin and rule over those who want freedom from their idiotic despotisms is itself sin. These people have no strength beyond their mouth.