Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Destabilization of the US Leads to Asset Freeze

Jul 25, 2007 07:06

The meaning of president Bush's latest decree is demonstrated by the response of the executives to the attempt by Deborah Jeane Palfrey to retire.

The gods feared that she would tell the silly Christians how depraved they were and would destabilize the Holy Empire. So the Empire struck first by accusing her of being a pimp for 13 years.

The gods freaked out and used the "Terror" laws passed by good, Christian "patriots" to hunt down the evil Bin Laden who never left the Middle East, to stop the terroristic destabilization by Palfrey.

"She also detailed how her financial transactions were intercepted and also how the warrant to search her house was finally obtained under the pretext of anti-terror laws, of which this case bore no relation."

Legitimate law is not secret or arbitrary, but the provisions of Patriot act and the latest EO are exactly that. "Palfrey eventually had all her financial and real estate assets frozen by the government before she even knew what she was being charged with."

We blame the evangelical Christians specifically for the utter depravity of the US government. They are the gorilla that justifies everything they do with the imperfectability of man doctrine. They ought to remember Rahab the harlot especially since they behave worse than she did. Remember Rahab because she was justified and saved from death by the uncouth god of Israel.

This "Rahab" demonstrates at least as much good sense and may likewise be justified. Paul Joseph Watson wrote, "Palfrey characterized the situation as "puzzling, twisted and bizarre," adding, "This is not a case about prostitution, it never was, it isn't now and it never will be - there's something very rotten at the core of all this."

She uttered an indictment, not a justification. Let Palfrey be given a scarlet cord.