Monday, July 30, 2007

Automatic Weapons Fire in Plainfield

Jul 30, 2007 18:53

Someone emptied a magazine on full-auto near the Brown house on the night of July 28, 2007. In the tense gun control atmosphere of the East Coast that is at least conspicuous and unlike the average gunowner.

The likely party is the same one probing the Arkansas property of Randy Weaver, who survived a standoff with U.S. marshals in Idaho. A contractor called Blackwater.

"Authorities" deny all knowledge in both locations and the local police are afraid of confrontation. The fed is not afraid to use contractors, and the servers to Infowars, Prison Planet and We Are Change websites were crashed just before the "operation."

"According to the Brown's blog, others reported seeing Blackwater vehicles parked around the property on satellite surveillance images of the area."

Just like in Waco, when the Browns called the local police for help after the shooting began, they refused to get involved.

The military opinion of Paul Joseph Watson is that the operation was a provocation. But the incidents betrays more contempt and testing than trying to rile the local militia. The best reply would be to use them for practice. Infiltrate their compound and leave the toilet unflushed.