Friday, March 14, 2008

Preaching to the Preachers!

Mar 14, 2008 09:44

The Pastors are so utterly incompetent that even demons mock them and tell them more truth about themselves than they can find in the book they are paid money to be familiar with.

In the minds of these silly men, a demon is the most powerful creature alive (except the perfunctory denial that god is greater) and they treat them as if the demons were government bureaucrats.

When we hear more good sense from the demons than the Pastors, we know that their time is near. One such occasion was when the demons were just annoyed by the Pastors and told them while they stood staring at the hostess, "'Leave her alone, you idiot,' 'She's ours,' 'Leave, you imbecile priest,' or just 'Leave.'"

If they all quit, the entire world would benefit from their mindless 3-point in-depth sermons about the obvious. But then, FEMA would have wasted their time recruiting almost 50% of them as informants.

Who displays more contempt for what is religious if not a bunch of men who spiritualize every bible text, but see no spiritual involvement with what Alexis de Tocqueville warned, was the damaging influence of interaction with government.

The Pastors in particular ought to remember the military meaning of "grace" which they like to speak, that is, that they live or die at the whim of their captor. They claimed to experience unusual heat, and to the fire is where they are heading.

The silly crowd stood around watching childish demonic activity because nothing written is real to them anyway, it's all metaphor. Spiritual warfare is essentially my imagination can beat your imagination. Perhaps the congregation to answer the Pastors with the same demonic admonition of "get lost."

Though we anticipate much more demonic activity, the greater threat will be from the creatures not classified as demons but as gods. And a god is not the president.