Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Pastor Obama's Sermon

Mar 04, 2008 07:30

Obama's statement that gays and lesbians "should be treated with dignity and respect and that the state should not discriminate against them," makes all discretionary decisions subject to the state. In effect making compliance to the state the sole interest of every person.

What the statist "calls" anything is less important than the legal treatment of it, and this is where the pro-family defense has failed so badly that they have become accomplices to the globalist move to register every living soul.

When the pro-family groups could not defend the sovereignty of the family and the individual, then the state can define what constitutes a family. Instead of rejecting the state's argument, they argued with the state, thereby legitimizing the legal attack. It spread from there to every other sphere, and now is entrenched in the universal health insurance scam.

When the statists require health insurance or birth certificates or any other documentation, they have succeeded where Pharaoh and Pilate failed--something that one might expect to alarm the Christians in particular. Instead of alarm by what is always spoken against with hostility by their god, they have ignored and even encouraged registration to obtain the bribe--the benefits.

To comply with mandatory insurance requires that every child be registered and numbered whether born at home or in the state's temples. A spouse is permitted the same conjugal benefits as sodomites if they are registered with the state with a number. And it was the mindless pastors who gave the state the exclusive authority to recognize a marriage, and then they complain that the state is recognizing too much! They stand up and announce that they are performing a marriage under the authority of the state. Are they better than the Soviet churches that they disdained?

Why should anyone listen to the Pastors who have done more to help our enemies than they have for righteousness. Obama is at least as good a Pastor and shall henceforth be give the same title: Pastor Obama.
