Monday, March 17, 2008

The Church Crash Begins

Mar 17, 2008 08:12

Along with the economic crash is an accompanying church crash as a result of the casual secular life style of the congregations and abandonment of all prior commitments such as their constitution and to the rabbi who founded their faith.

The economic crash was promised them by a sage of the churches who vainly tried to restrain their madness by saying, "When you make a vow to God, do not delay in fulfilling it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow." In this case the vow was the constitution. Continuing, he said, "It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it. Do not let your mouth lead you into sin."

And the conclusion that the Pastors ignore was, "Why should God be angry at what you say and destroy the work of your hands?" The works, such as building a nation with his blessing, and then using it as a weapon against his own people?

Why the sudden outrage over Husien's preacher? He is and was the typical inner city pastor of brothels where you could pass by and see their apostate advertising sitting on the church lawn.

Trinity United Church of Christ is no less pathetic than Joel Olstein's entertainment center. What Olstein and Wright have in common is their statism. The doctrine that the state is supreme over the church (with perfunctory denials about denial...), and therefore over Jerusalem, the capital city of their god.

The judgments of Wright are poor, but so are the Pastors in general. While Caroline B. Glick may say that Wright "believes that the true 'Chosen People' are the blacks," the fact is that most churches are Replacement anyway.

Who is trying to snooker who and for what reason?

If the Pastors are unwilling to judge evil government then they have become accomplices and traitors of Jerusalem who will themselves be judged by those who escape the state tyranny they justify. Some radicals actually believe that for freedom alone they were set free and will not be subject to the slavery of any state, whether "USA" or Chinese. And Jerusalem belongs to the Heredi Jews and Messiah. not Rice's CFR boys.

Ecclesiastes 5:4-6