Sunday, June 10, 2007

Western Civilization Ceased to Exist in the 20th Century

Jun 12, 2007 07:10

Western civilization ceased to exist in the 20th century and it's decline was evident long before the Nazi Holocaust in which Europe, which was the pinnacle of Western civilization, was complicit. It may even be argued, as Prof. Paul Eidelberg does in A Jewish Philosophy of History, that "the demise of Western civilization began with Machiavelli, whose ethically neutral political science came to fruition in the democratic atheism of the “European Enlightenment.”

The professor continues, "Western civilization was based primarily on a synthesis of the Bible and classical Greek philosophy—the Great Tradition. Although the Bible rests on revelation, and classical Greek philosophy on unassisted human reason, the biblical conception of man’s creation in the image of God signifies that man is the rational being par excellence."

By classical Greek philosophy he means, "Primarily, its greatest exponents Plato and Aristotle, whose political science is inseparable from ethics. Here ethics means good character, manifested by moral and intellectual virtues, including moderation (or self-restraint), justice, and wisdom. These virtues are consistent with the teachings of the Bible. But whereas the Bible regards them as precepts or laws of God, the classics derive them from nature or what came to be called the “laws of nature.” These virtues or precepts not only distinguish the human from the subhuman; they also signify an aristocratic conception of human nature. The higher—our intellect—should rule the lower, our physical desires,"

The American Declaration of Independence refers to that moral law as, “The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” What concerns Homeland Security is that "The Declaration affirms the existence of universal or trans-historical standards of right and wrong, standards by which to determine whether “any form of government” is just or unjust, whether ruled by the One, the Few, or the Many."

The linkage between the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God "was undermined by the anti-traditional character of the European Enlightenment. By rejecting the religious and aristocratic heritage, the philosophers of the Enlightenment, regardless of their differences, planted the seed of normless democracy. The fruit of that seed is the moral relativism that infects the mentality of today’s ruling elites—politicians and judges, academics and journalists."

Contrary to the normless Hillary Clinton's belief, "The Declaration declares that all men are created equal, this equality is an elevating, not a leveling principle. Thus, even though the Declaration is conveniently deemed a democratic document, its teachings, taken as a whole, are still linked to the religious and aristocratic aspects of Western civilization. The least one can say is this: thanks to that linkage, the Declaration posits a normative or classical conception of democracy as opposed to the normless conception of democracy of our own times."

Democracy has led to a cultural war because "Moral relativism is not merely an academic doctrine. It is the logical consequence of contemporary democracy’s permissive view of freedom and its leveling view of equality. In other words, freedom and equality, under the dispensation of contemporary democracy, are devoid of ethical and rational constraints. This amounts to nihilism. Hence there is a basic clash between contemporary democracy and civilization."

The cultural war has been intensified by multiculturalism because of the, "'Universalistic individualism' propagated by the cultural Left. Universalistic individualism denies any higher loyalty than one’s own lifestyle, since all lifestyles are morally equal."

The prof says about them, "Multiculturalism, like Communism, rejects the concept of the nation-state. Its devotees are actually committed to national suicide. Their universalistic individualism has produced a moral vacuum in Europe now being filled by the universalistic totalitarianism of Islam."

Consider the model of multiculturalism, Sweden, where "Muslims will soon comprise the majority in many of Sweden’s cities with Sweden’s Integration Act of 1997 which proclaimed Sweden 'a multicultural society.'” The true purpose of unlimited immigration is that “Since a large group of people [in Sweden] have their origins in another country, the Swedish population lacks a common history. The relationship to Sweden and the support given to the fundamental values of society thus carry greater significance for integration than a common historical origin.” It follows that “Native Swedes have "been reduced to just another ethnic group in Sweden, with no more claim to the country than the Kurds or the Somalis who arrived there last Thursday. The political authorities of the country have erased their own people’s history and culture” (Jerusalem Post, June 1, 2007).

Now it so happens that the Left in America regards Sweden’s social democracy as the model for the so-called American state. These political elites justify their multiculturalism in the name of “democracy.” To them, the claim of Americans to their land does not have more validity than that of a Mexican.

Thus the purpose multiculturalism "is to remove all ethnic as well as all moral distinctions that distinguish one human being from another. This is why the multicultural Left, with the assistance of the judiciary, is removing all religious symbols from the public domain in America. But not quite! Michael Savage mentions a new art school called “Dungism.” He notes that it’s okay to display the crucifix in public—as long as it’s immersed in urine. And it’s also permissible for the Brooklyn Museum of Art to depict the Virgin Mary decorated with elephant excrement and porno clips."

The foolish president who aids and abets the suicide of America was rewarded when his reference to an "axis of evil” was "ridiculed by moral relativists who regard notions of good and evil as devoid of objective validity as well as divisive. Foreign policy must be morally neutral."

The conclusion is not good, the preachers in America failed by allowing their enemies to persuade them that they should not "preach politics," when their colonial history was rich with doing just that. "A democracy can overcome its enemies if its citizens love their country and believe in the justice of its cause. The citizens of such a democracy would differ fundamentally from those of contemporary or normless democracy. Their educators would not be moral relativists. They would derive democracy’s basic principles, freedom and equality, from the Bible’s account of man’s creation in the image of God—the only solid and rational foundation of human dignity. And since the God of the Bible, that is, of the Jews, creates nations as well as individuals, that Bible rejects multiculturalism as well as Islamic imperialism."

Any hope that the Edomites called the pastors and rabbis will repent is a vain expectation. They are the reason why Western Civilization ceased to exist in the 20th century.