Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The NAU is Locked into the Immigration Reform Act

Jun 13, 2007 11:25

The War on Terror was never meant to be won by those who decide policy, but to be obfuscated and bungled as steps toward a World Security State.

The process begins with the Balkanization of a nation as the US did by taking the position of Germany and the Vatican in Kosovo, and more recently by the NAU. The steps are to fragment; federate/regionalize; internationalize.

The NAU is about to be locked in place, Prof. Eugene Narrett said, "The 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform' Act in effect locks the NA Peace and Security Partnership into place. Just like the income tax, it need not become a law to be enforced."

Prof. Narrett and Prof. Eidelberg are both warning that Machiavellianism has become a new religion. It is an amoral religion which is influencing all other religions and the primary reason why Christians and Jews are not resisting the new tyranny.

Whenever a problem arises, "A military solution is the only way to secure peace in the globalizing security state," according to the elite. Prof. Narret said this is the reason why, "'Collective Security Agreements' are the model for a future of Regional dictatorships with enormous bureaucracies and arbitrary and punitive responses to dissent; that is, for a World Security State, G-d help us."

There is little chance of reversing the course of America or the world. All public and private schools "now teach the dogma of global citizenship," and the only career potential is Homeland Security for "a good job monitoring Americans."

The job of creating the enormous army of judgment-free hordes that now surround us was aided and abetted by parents who sent their children to public schools, and who now form a force of "millions of confused and manageable clients for the Nanny State’s care-givers."

The prof concludes that "If you criticize Globalism, which means tyranny, you’re toast; it’s as dangerous as defending Israel or criticizing feminism, tyranny’s handmaiden." And this is without the Hate Crime Laws.