Thursday, June 7, 2007

Detention Camps for Undocumented Americans?

Jun 07, 2007 07:17

The new Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 includes provisions to build 20 detention camps with a capacity of 20,000 people each. The camps are not for Mexicans because the stated purpose is "Beginning on October 1, 2007, an alien (other than a national of Mexico) who is attempting to illegally enter the United States and who is apprehended at a United States port of entry or along the international land and maritime border of the United States shall be detained."

What block of people within the US could total 400,000 if they were not Mexicans? Considering that the law requires verification for employment, a national ID is already law, and that the "conservative GOP" candidates were excited to make even birth certificates mandatory and federal, we would judge their intentins as being 400,000 undocumented citizens and those who refuse to number and register their babies or to use ID.

The Russians are again more helpful than any American organization, they said, "Kremlin legal experts familiar with American law further point out that these new concentration camps are not for the estimated 11 million Mexicans currently living illegally in the United States as these new laws forbid their detention."

The junta in Washington is only concerned about Russian President Putin's response because he has repeated his charge that America has become a dictatorship like the early years of Nazi Germany. "The fears of President Putin that the United States has become like ‘Hitler’s Germany’ appears to be a stark reality."

Perhaps President Putin would be good enough to send a fleet to the Gulf of Mexico when the fateful day arrives.