Wednesday, June 13, 2007

US Army Recruiting Mexicans

Jun 13, 2007 07:33

Mexican troops were reported in the US following Katrina, and well trained troops have been seen crossing the US border. The training is from US boot camps where Mexicans have their own training areas and up to 20% of US troops in Iraq are Mexican.

The danger is that a hostile foreign army is growing inside the US with Pentagon assistance, which is urging Congress to fast track a section of the stalled immigration bill that would legalize military to recruitment of illegal aliens.

Viewing the situation as a correlation of forces, the unbalance is that "These troops would be more likely to fire on US citizens and follow extreme orders. Every empire, when it represses its own people, brings in foreign troops to do the job. Urban warfare drills we have covered over the years show that the military is being prepared for this."

The loyalty of the command has been questionable since it was revealed that Rudolph M. Jones, Jr., Colonel, General Staff, Deputy Commander, United States Army Special Forces Command (Airborne) had only one flag in his office in 1995, the UN flag.

In addition to ceding sovereignty, Martial Ethics were compromised when military became involved in training police. The dissenters in the US Army said, "Now, the cumulative effect of military involvement with law enforcement has been the militarization of, first federal, then state and local police. These militarized police, falling rapidly under the control of a militarized federal law enforcement bureaucracy, now constitute what the Framers feared the most; a standing army in times of peace used to enforce domestic laws."
Resister, Volume II, Number 1. Summer 1995