Friday, June 8, 2007

Waco Begins in New Hampshire

Jun 08, 2007 12:18

At about 7:45 a.m Thursday, June 7, 2007, Ed Brown's house guest Danny Riley disrupted a planned surprise ambush while walking a dog. He stumbled across 12 ghillie suited troops who then shot at the air which alerted the house. Riley was tazered and was told to leave town. That particular bunch of snipers were apparently Marshals.

Thus began the latest Gestapo fiasco which is escalating as of Friday. Most of the media is ignoring the story, but local media and of course short wave is giving almost continual coverage.

The first fed lie was a public statement that they were unsure of what they planned to do. Once disrupted they were unsure.

The Gestapo assembles with genuine tanks, 6 APC's, LAV's, a UAV shining a bright light as at Waco. Witness "Susan Williams, who lives a mile or so away from the Browns on Center of Town Road, said she saw police officers, SWAT team members, a fire truck, ambulance, helicopter and at least one armored vehicle assembled in a field across from her driveway."

Cell phones were apparently being automatically and selectively cut, but by Friday, a reporter who Guillani's staff evicted from the post debate press conference had carried out a marathon run from New Hampshire, to NYC, and back to Plainfield to restore communications; their cell phones were not ones being auto-jammed.

Jack McLamb who has a ministry to reach police and soldiers says the incident is deliberately designed to start a revolution by the high levels in DC. The present debate is how to avoid the obvious intent to enthrone Bush as "diktat" as he prepared for several weeks ago. The militia under siege would rather fight but McLamb is urging restraint.

Gestapo preparations were: closed airspace, evacuated the cowardly neighbors, cut phones and power, infiltrated the property with snipers, enormous equipment assets of tanks, 6 APC's, LAV's and 2 aircraft; Armed roadblocks form a perimeter about a mile away; the convoy included the Massachusetts SWAT armored unit, explosive disposal unit, firetrucks, ambulances. The Gestapo lied to the Concord Monitor saying no raid is planned.

McLamb believes the strategy is, that a worse slaughter is planned if the Gestapo do not get the plausible deniability they seek. The Browns plan to make it a little Alamo.

Most of the details are only available by listening to the radio shows.

By Sunday, the situation became a siege with agreement between the doctrines of McLamb and "Mark Potok, director of the intelligence project at the Southern Poverty Law Center," who said, "This was the lesson of Ruby Ridge and Waco. Those two standoffs not only left a great many dead people in their wake, but also helped create the militia movement."