Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Texans Shamed by Conduct toward FLDS, but not Repentant

May 14, 2008 10:16

The FLDS expellees are suffering health problems caused by their stay in the coliseum, and some of the guilty parties are having a change of conscious. Already the mental health tyrants have complained about the CPS tyrants who threatened to arrest them.

One wrote "Never in all my life, and I am one of the older ladies, have I been so ashamed of being a Texan and seeing what and how our government agencies treat people," Shame is not part of the family ministries and state mega-church's however.

She also described the deliberate torture: "Children living in crowded quarters that led to upper respiratory illnesses. Youngsters plagued with diarrhea from unhealthy foods they usually did not eat. Distressed mothers enduring widespread rudeness - such as flashlights shined in their faces as they tried to sleep. "

The FLDS raid showed the raw evil living inside of the churches and synagogues that have not and cannot repent. Repentance for them would be to treat the FLDS as if they were only homosexuals, whom they refuse to slander!

One example, "A boy estimated at age 3 walked along a row of cots asking for someone to rock him after he was separated from his mother, one employee wrote. Two CPS worker trailed the youngster taking notes but not helping him. His brother, age 8, eventually took the child into his arms and sat with him in a rocking chair." Another said, "The floor was literally slick with tears in places."

One honest tyrant said about CPS, "This is an agency that looks like it's gone out of control," but so are the churches and synagogues and those who inhabit them.