Monday, May 12, 2008

FLDS Appeals to George Bush

May 12, 2008 08:12

The Texas Nazis are starting to fight among themselves over the FLDS raid because a few have become conscious stricken. The result is more details about the raid and the evil of the average law abiding American pew-sitting Christian.

The CPS and the Baptists collaborators are being accused by the MHMR who were present after being threatened with arrest by CPS. "The entire MH support staff was 'fired' the second week; we were sent home due to being 'too compassionate,'" One MHMR report stated, "What they saw was so horrendous."

Even the Nazis were appalled, but of the "Love of the Lord" State Baptists whose righteousness is the law, it was written, "Kevin Dinnin, the president of Baptist Children and Family Services who served as incident commander at the shelter under a contract between his agency and the state, said he couldn't confirm many of the allegations." He is waiting for official word.

The MHMR however is not inoculated by pastoral teaching and said, "We were literally astounded at what they told us," Kite said. "They are trampling all over human decency and those people's civil rights.... We should not just sit here and let it happen."

The MHMR is more righteous than the churches! May those women be like the Egyptian mid-wives who broke the law.

We have written about and compared the conduct and way of life of the FLDS women to the fundamentalists women and concluded the same as MHMR: that they are more religious, more disciplined, more "living the life" than any of the mega church androgynous gossips called "women".

MHMR was "impressed by the mothers they worked with," and the families were "nice" with well cared for children in an obviously prosperous community of people. "Many of them described child welfare workers as high-handed, rude or uncaring toward the mothers and overzealous in their concerns that they might escape or harm their keepers"

So fearful were the CPS that they had 200 armed troops guarding 130 women and 400 children!

After the equivalent of an entire town of modern day Benjamites was destroyed, an appeal for help against the Nazis is getting nowhere. Willie Jessop is now appealing to Bush and delivered a letter to Bush during the wedding, Saturday.

He reported that "Three reported that CPS workers lied to the mothers; one described it as a tactic to make separating them from their children go easier. Several said the mothers were denied access to their lawyers."

It was the deception that made the FLDS women and children "wise up" and begin their tactics which we described previously. The CPS broke up this Warsaw Ghetto but too late. The Nazis are being given nothing of value and are now resorting to attempts to corrupt the children into snitching on the parents, with full assistance of the secularized Christian "homes" that they have been expelled into.

On the first day there were few military details to avoid rescue attempts but Jessop wrote that they were "invaded and devastated by an armed militant force... A heavy tank assisted, along with air support from a helicopter and an unmanned surveillance drone ... snipers and swat teams."

Just like Waco where a fake warrant was issued, "We are talking about homes being broken into without search warrants, unarmed fathers being forced to the ground with M16 rifles pointed at their heads, screaming children being torn from the arms of their grief stricken mothers."

This was war. One started by big name Christian ministries, "crusading politicians and ex-FLDS members," and mega-churches: We would say, out of jealousy.

They invoked "sensationalism, sex, and vile accusations of every kind designed to promote prejudice and hatred," using language that they do not apply to any other "sin." The vile homosexual is loved, the evil abortionists are prayed for, the tyrannical state is obeyed and paid, but a man with two wives is an abomination with unrestrained invectives?

There is no bible prohibition against polygamy. None. The "teaching" of the pastors is useless dreck, and they are reprehensible cowards.

Good enough. The FLDS is causing political instability in a nation that deserves far more than a few houses destroyed by storms caused by the Messiah.

Jessop added that "young ladies were mocked, vulgarly cursed, and threatened. Some were repeatedly and unmercifully interrogated the entire night about issues, subjects, and persons of which they had no knowledge." That's called torture.

"Young men and boys were detained in conditions worse than those used for prisoners of war," except when the prisoners were Zionists. And to avoid rescue, "communication devices were confiscated." Even "Government IDs were blatantly denied and said to be 'fake.'” Government ID is something that we maintain should be eliminated and outlawed.

The principles of evil unleashed by this raid have not been appreciated by the conservative Christian Right which are neither conservative nor have any resemblance to a dead rabbi. They would have panicked if they had seen what is coming upon them. The women experienced it: "That vast Sports Arena burst into cries and wails of heartsick mothers and screams of terrified children as a vast cortege of attendants swarmed the arena, tearing screaming children from their weeping mothers and physically carrying them away.

All that was missing in this “Colosseum” was the lions."

The appeal will make matters worse because Bush is complicit in robbing god of his own house. How can he then help men with their own? This is war.