Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hal Turner Calls for Armed Revolt

May 25, 2008 20:00

The most hated man in America has announced what the respectable conservatives have refused and said, "I call for use of the Second Amendment to end the tyranny afflicting our Republic." That statement is "illegal" and will give many conservatives common cause with the Left, a unity--if you like--in purpose that would not be evident under what Arafat called, "the piss process," but under the threat of war it will be plainly seen.

The announcement was made on his web site and the cause at this particular time is simply one man being held on no-charge for six years. And that the exact same treatment can be levied on anyone for no-reason, indefinitely. In short, the tyranny is getting too close to home.

Last week Turner announced a call for recruits and given the way that the White Nationalists operate, it must be assumed that there were enough responding to proceed.