Friday, January 18, 2008

Why Fight?

Jan 18, 2008 09:28

Ron Paul will not save America from the enemy within. Even if elected, he would be incapable of repealing a century of statism and deliberate plundering of manufacturing and property--if he remained faithful to the constitution. He requires congress to do that and that is the enemy stronghold.

The enemies are mostly industry and trade organizations which are usually dominated by women. It is the cows at AAMVA who brought us the Real ID act, and the cows at MADD who give us checkpoints. Trembling witches are driving the green movement and they are driving all industry out of America to cleanse it.

Rather than put the cows out of the house and into a field as they deserve, a bunch of equally scared and feminized men hold "talks" and "dialogue" with them--the same reason that Rice schmoozes with murderers and says we need feel their pain and give them a state. She is correct: the state is a gang of murderers and thieves, and they have enough in common with Abbas to get along just fine.

Walter James O'Brien describes how this New World Order works in Israel because it is exactly alike everywhere in the world. Speaking about the same de-industrialization of Israel he wrote, "Israel's industrial development is being further undermined by "green activists" with the intent to cast more Jewish machinists, welders, carpenters and tradesmen out of work. These straight-spined Jewish workers become new vegetables in the leftist social workers' garden patch of helpless client case loads."

As long as the men allow themselves to be treated with contempt, the social workers will become the new priesthood in Israel and the US. How should the politicians and bureaucrats be treated who do these things? O'Brien said, "Treasonous disinvestment in the workforce of both nations, the USA and Israel, continues apace with yet more manufacturing and technical design capacity deliberately exported to lesser-developed totalitarian states in the vain hope of saving a portion of the 8-10% of the labor component of any manufacturing pro forma (facilities, management overhead, raw materials, and production and tooling equipment all cost more than the labor component in a manufacturing spreadsheet, by any generally-accepted accounting practice standard)."

The weakness of his argument is in how to treat traitors. He said, "The most powerful counter-strategy to deploy against this kulturkampf of secularist cant is for those who believe in Israel and the USA to actively promote the welfare of the workforce through vocally and materially advancing Israel's and the USA's manufacturing, construction and agricultural exports, and new projects development mechanisms."

That sounds good but neglects the need to punish the perpetrators, many of whom are government employees. Clearly some real terrorism is needed to judge these people properly.