Monday, January 7, 2008

America will Invade Israel

Jan 07, 2008 07:25

America has a pattern of emergency military interventions in the affairs of other countries and using or obeying the UN for moral cover. The US destroyed the Serbian Orthodox Church and will invade Israel when the Jews throw out the CFR types with force. To prevent that event, the Jews are already being disarmed. There is also a huge unused US base in Israel, and there were a large force of "unmarked" troops who passed through the towns, of which there has been no further mention.

The next invasion will use the same troops that are being considered to attack Pakistan. "US special forces snatch squads are on standby to seize or disable Pakistan's nuclear arsenal in the event of a collapse of government authority or the outbreak of civil war following the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.

The troops, augmented by volunteer scientists from America's Nuclear Emergency Search Team organisation, are under orders to take control of an estimated 60 warheads dispersed around six to 10 high-security Pakistani military bases.

Military sources say contingency plans have been reviewed over the past three days to prevent any of Pakistan's atomic weapons falling into the hands of Islamic extremists if the administration of President Pervez Musharraf appears threatened by civil unrest."

Olmert is threatened with civil unrest by the rabbis. U.S. military units will stay in Israel until the end of a war with Iraq.