Friday, January 25, 2008

Pray for New Leadership

Jan 25, 2008 10:20

In the wake of recent events, we urge the women in America to pray for new leadership; to light a Sabbath candle and bless god. Become like Deborah when no man would lead, and pray that the pastors and rabbis in government to "do teshuva" (repent and correct their ways in the Light of G-d).

Shifra Hoffman said: "Prayer is the ultimate weapon to help God's mercy in this critical time. We pray that we will get true leadership." This is a critical time with governors giving away our land for foreign-owned toll roads and congress releasing financial terror upon us through their regulations and taxes, but we should not lose heart, because daughters of the American Revolution also went through tragic times in the past.

Hoffman said to Jews, "We are calling upon the rabbis who are in the government to leave, and upon the rabbis thinking of joining it not to do so, and to understand that the only government they owe allegiance to is Memshelet Hashem Yitbarach." The same applies to Christians. Their time to "make a difference" is past and we urge the ones in government to leave and those considering joining to reconsider, and to understand that for them to remain loyal to this government is to betray the Messiah they claim to bless.