Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Warfare Tactics for the Next Civil War

Apr 24, 2007 12:40

The political instability of the US is making enemies out of neighbors, and the civil conflict that is developing will largely have three sides: The government, the Marxists including Islamics and Mexicans, and the Constitutionalists.

How close we are is demonstrated by Pelosi, and other politicians. In one case the politician's wife demonized her lowly neighbor. The wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, Elizabeth, "says she is scared of the 'rabid, rabid Republican' who owns property across the street from her Orange County home -- and she doesn't want her kids going near the gun-toting neighbor," Monty Johnson.

The methods of warfare to be expected during the next American Civil War are summarized best by William S. Lind in his April 16, 2007 article, "A Tactics Primer."

US state police and armed forces are unable to fight battles of encirclement which is a "Third Generation" tactic. It is the best method of fighting them.

In review, First and Second Generation tactics are linear. "In the attack, the object is to push a line forward, and in the defense it is to hold a line... the result is usually indecisive."

Victory requires "one of two things, or both in combination: ambush or encirclement. Modern, Third Generation tactics reflect an 'ambush mentality,' and also usually aim for encirclement."

The objective Third Generation tacticsis to get in the other guy's rear.

Getting in their rear while on the defense is done by "inviting the enemy to attack, letting him penetrate, and then launching a counterattack designed to encircle him, not push him back out," the German Army's standard defense in World War II.

Getting in their rear on the offense is "not 'close with and destroy' but 'bypass and collapse.'"

Lind says, "The goal is to penetrate deep into the enemy's rear, by stealth or by force (the Germans used a three, not two, element assault, and the largest element was the exploitation element), then roll up the enemy's forward units from the flank and rear while overrunning his artillery, headquarters and supply dumps.

The same approach was used by the Panzer divisions on the operational level, leading to vast encirclements of hundreds of thousands of Soviet troops on the Eastern Front in 1941."

The US control freaks know nothing about encirclement. There was a vain attempt to encircle "the Iraqi Republican Guard by 7th Corps in the First Gulf War," but the US has a Waco mentality: "bump into the enemy and call for fire. The assumption is that America's vast firepower will then annihilate the opponent, but that seldom happens."

The reasons for the vulnerability of masses of police and troops is partly "ignorance of Third Generation tactics." But noticed by more than one militia forward observer has been that "American soldiers are loaded down with everything except the kitchen sink," you need to be at least as mobile as your enemy and preferably more so.

Only one of the three combatants in the next civil war will not be loaded with heavy equipment. Constitutionalist will need to be "The kind of light infantry fighters we find ourselves up against in places such as Iraq and Afghanistan," who "are just that, light.

They can move much faster on their feet than can our overburdened infantry. The result is that they ambush us, then escape to do it again, over and over. Flip-flops in the alley beat boots on the ground."
