Thursday, April 12, 2007

Iranian Preparations over the Last Decade

Apr 12, 2007 09:58

Iran has been preparing for war with the US for over a decade with prepared safe houses and weapons, and a corp of agents waiting for permission granted should the correct signal arise.

The signal, according to retired IDF Spokesman Avi Lipkin, was any attack or insult to Iran. The response would be numerous attacks within the US.

As part of this plan was a counterfeiting operation that recently reached mainline news. Lipkin discussed "the counterfeiting of the U.S. dollar, which continues today in the Middle East's effort to damage the U.S. economy."

The success of the 911 attacks may be that it will drive an unstable banking cartel into bankruptcy.

In 1993, Yossef Bodansky said, "The Islamist infrastructure already included all the components of a mature terrorist support system. These included safe houses in major cities, weapons, ammunition, money, systems to provide medical and legal aid, false identity papers, and intelligence for the operative. The network was also large and spanned the United States."

This admirable military accomplishment was at the start of militia hysteria by the FBI. Iran they ignored; incompetent patriots with guns were a threat to the regime.

Even kamikaze pilots were being trained in the 80's where, "trained air crews from among the terrorists would crash the airliner with its passengers into a selected objective."

Iran was the center of global Islamic efforts ten years ago. Today it continues operations by "training and funding Palestinian groups to carry out large-scale terror operations in the event of a U.S. or Israeli attack against Tehran," just as it always has.

The "suicidal" US State Department responds by making "payments to Fatah militias and cells of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group on condition the militias and Brigades members cut contact with Iran." Not surprising, "Iran has been compensating for the loss of loyalty of some militias and Palestinian groups by stepping up financing."

And they wonder why some people accuse them of being responsible for the attacks on 911!

By creating a mindset within Iran of imminent attack, the US creates military instability because the smart army does not wait to be attacked first. The Iranians intend to open additional fronts: from Gaza, from Lebanon and Syria, and from within the US.