Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ismail's Axe

Apr 18, 2007 06:56

Cho Seung-Hui, is the military marksman using pistols to kill 32 people. The final pictures of Seung-Hui does not resemble earlier pictures. He took the unusual step to remove serial numbers from guns purchased legally - one within the last few days and one on March 13th, in Virginia. Firearms regulations, which he complied with, are a useless corruption of government. Seung-Hui used two to three shots each with better marksmanship than the HS troops sent to stop him.

He died with the words "Ismail Ax" scrawled in red ink on one of his arms. Ismail being a variation of Ishmael, a son of Abraham. The story of Ismail's Axe is one of Islamic repentance, the very idea that most Christians refuse to acknowledge, and the government being encouraged by them just ignores.

Repentance is a relative term with respect to the laws of a particular sovereign. In this case the sovereign is Allah, and in returning to Allah the admonision is to "Make your land a secure land, since you are in a safe area. Make the earth a sacred mosque, since you are in the holy mosque. Since the earth is the 'mosque of Allah.'"

The concept ought to be familiar to Christians and Jews but is ignored. It is the doctrine of sanctification: being separate and distinctly different. But both want to blend in and be part of the larger society, and refuse to be either Christian, a reference to being like the Rabbi named Jesus, or Jewish.

The irony of the Imams is that they will occasionally preach better sermons than pastors. They would say of the US, "It is a slaughterhouse where everything but aggression and discrimination are forbidden." True. The public schools attack every boy who acts like a boy, and even the churches that are under direct command to discriminate between people, refuse to do so.

The pastors are so afraid of the Torah that they only use a sentence at a time. The account of Ibrahim by Muslims says, "You are like Ibrahim! Fight . . . This teaches you to be ready to jump into the fire for Jihad!" This is referring to the fact that Abraham led all the men working for him into battle against what were the law enforcement officers of his day.

A coalition force of four nations arrested a member of Abraham's family, and he responded by leading "out his trained men, born in his house, three hundred and eighteen, and went in pursuit as far as Dan." Abraham "divided his forces against them by night, he and his servants, and defeated them, and pursued them as far as Hobah, which is north of Damascus." (Genesis 14:13-16)

Clearly he did not comply with "the rule of law" in the face of government aggression. The Muslim is admonished that, "Now that you are standing in Ibrahim's position and are going to play his role, live like him, be the architect of the Kaaba of your faith. Rescue your people." Rescue was what Abraham did, and in the face of overwhelming odds only the ruthless use of force gives him any chance of survival.

Prophetically Allah will endure till the end time of the Messiah, where during the last day he will live up to his name-sake and become a burnt offering.

Today's Christian and Jews have much in common with Muslims: A Muslim will train his child to sacrifice himself as a suicide bomber; Christians and Jews will train theirs to commit cultural suicide by complying with every requirement levied against them. The result is that their children leave the faith to their doom, and live like pagans in a secular religion of laws that prophetically will be the cause of the war between Messiah and his peers such as Allah.

Jews should refuse to be numbered because of the camps in World War II, and more so because the Torah should make them cautious about any form of numeration. The Christians have The Brit Hadassah that pronounces an eternal curse on anyone who accepts a number on their body to facilitate supermarket checkout.

Neither shows any regard to the fact that the world's governments are beginning to number and track every man on earth, along with all herds, flocks, property and valuables. While the Jews try to reclaim property lost in World War II, the next holocaust is being prepared to include their Christian brethren. If anyone refuses to comply, it is more often a Muslim.

While the federal gods conjure the demons of depression and drugs as causes for rebellion against their liturgy, they will tolerate Allah because he does not threaten their position.

Update 4-19-2007 "

According to reports from South Korean Buddhist authorities, the name written on the arm of Cho Seung Hui, ‘ISMAIL AX’, is an anagram for SALAMI XI, and as deciphered according to the ancient texts of the unique Buddhism-Shamanic religion as practiced only in ancient Korea."