Tuesday, June 23, 2009

FSB: Gov. Sanford Appealed to Russia for Help against Fed

Jun 23, 2009 11:18

SC governor Mark Sanford 'disappeared' Thursday, June 18, 2009, and the press now says he was taking a hike, but the FSB says he "arrived at Russia’s Ottawa Embassy seeking ‘immediate assistance and protection’ for his plan to secede from the United States over what he states is the ‘planned annihilation of his country’ by a ‘criminal cabal’ headed by the current US President Barack Obama."

Such reports will be dismissed by US news but will and do affect diplomatic relations. In 1863, during the American Civil War, the Russian Navy visited American ports and may have been a factor in deterring France and England from entering the war on the Confederate side.

The FSB has been stating that the US will break apart during 2009 and are pointing out that an unstable political body may seek to eliminate Sanford, as it did "Louisiana Governor Huey Long who was assassinated in 1935 after his threats to succeed from the United States during the Great Depression."
