Thursday, February 28, 2008

US State Department Becomes a Terrorist Sponsor

Feb 28, 2008 11:24

A US sponsored program is muslimizing public schools under the cover of language education. The public schools successfully secularized several generations without parental complaint and can now be used to muslimize them.

Palestinians video tape Arabic language tutorials from well known Islamic hot spots of Jenin, Hebron, Nablus, Bethlehem and Ramallah and send them to US public schools.

A side benefit is that Islamic feminists are intentionally created because "the program aims to empower women by teaching computer skills for civic engagement."

Not surprisingly State targeted the more religious state of Utah as their first recruiting site. The more or less parentally abandoned American children are therefore "learning about each other’s cultures and living conditions," while totally ignorant of any meaningful understanding of the writings of America's own founding religious terrorists.

"Arabic-language classes, once found only at the college level, are becoming increasingly available in U.S. secondary schools. In Utah, six schools in Salt Lake City, as well as schools in Provo and Lone Peak, have added Arabic to their curriculum."

The program is run by State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs as part of the Global Connections and Exchange Program, and is expected to be a success.

To make sure that Muslims get a better toe-hold on post-Christian America, tax tithe is being spent to bring the internet to Palestinian, and Bangladeshi teachers.