Monday, February 11, 2008

Archbishop of Canterbury Starting Reformation II?

Feb 08, 2008 07:27

The Archbishop of Canterbury caused consternation yesterday by calling for Islamic law to be recognised in Britain. He declared that Sharia and Parliamentary law should be given equal legal status so the people could choose which governs their lives...

Whose law shall govern, was part of the great revolt against Rome that brought us the modern version of "government". We have gone full circle-- The faithless state has not only lost credibility but most much of it's constituency. Can any state divided against itself endure? The Archbishop concluded not and is no worse than Joel Olstein or Huckabee by admitting what neither of those two can say.

The Reformation was a civil war against the high taxes, regulations and laws of Rome that had become like what we see today in all secular governments--tyrannical. The breaking of the great tyranny began slowly, "In 1532, Cromwell brought before Parliament the Supplication Against the Ordinaries which listed nine grievances against the Church, including abuses of power and Convocation's independent legislative power. Finally, on 10 May, the King demanded of Convocation that the Church should renounce all authority to make laws."

Today the State has replaced the Church and the exact same Supplication can be brought against them, including their acts independent of the constitution. The evangelical "Church" is incompetent partly because of the tyranny of Rome. They were taught to submit through laws that claimed supremacy over "the church so that it could no longer make canon law without royal license." Today the servile Pastors do nothing without a permit, and government is god in all but name.

The first reformation began with questions about the authority of Rome and the next reformation will begin be questions about Rome's secular replacement, the state. The Muslims are just helping do what John Hagee cannot do.