Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How the Feds are Inciting Civil War

Feb 12, 2008 14:21

The government has lost legitimacy and is relying upon force to hold the Union together again. They are hiring professional mercenaries or modern-day Hessians such as
Dyncorp and Blackwater who replaced local police in New Orleans, and who replace US troops in Iraq. IfraGard is a new fascist (public-private partnership) enterprise of the FBI to subdue any rebellion in industry.

To weaken the civil war the feds are weakening the bonds of society and forcing individuals to choose sides now, by hypothesizing scenarios that the average person finds frightening enough to report the incident. The image they put forward does not need to be realistic and recent history has three examples of The Big Lie that made good press and herded the crowd into the intellectual Cattle Corral that they feel comfortable with.

Because few people ridiculed the past bombing scenarios which were impossible from a technical perspective, we are now fed the ridiculous scenarios for citizens to watch for and to snitch. The great success stories were: The Oklahoma City truck bomb that could barely dig it's own crater demolished a building; TWA 800's kerosene got too hot and blew up; two Trade Centers got too hot and fell down, and building 7 collapsed in sympathy.

The Michigan Gestapo is propagating a new scenario: A "white homegrown terrorist in sunglasses and parka hood who wants to blow up a bridge with a backpack," which is inadequate for the job but perfect for turning citizens against one another.

The US is making the Germans look like amateurs and the Jews in particular should be alarmed enough to repent of assisting them. "One third of the population snooping and informing on the other two thirds? Not even East Germany’s notorious Stasi had such ambitions." Apologies are due to the Germans hanged after the war, and to those compelled to visit the camps run by their government, if these new Nazis are tolerated.

The Germans began their decent with Weimarism: inflating their money until it was worth more as scrap paper--The US is starting that same decline.

When formerly Christian nations become apostate, they are without any exceptions the most tyrannical and ruthless governments created by men--and always, without exceptions, justified by the pastors. Absolute power is never to be shared with government, and legitimate government must limit itself to being an apolitical public utility. In the minds of depraved men, if government can prevent the suffering of just one child, all the death and oppression was worth it. But in their minds, a government incapable of preventing misfortune is too weak to govern.

The sides of this civil war will consist of the government, government followers including the mega-churches and synagogues, and modern Hessian mercenaries called contractors on one side; and on the opposing side will be US separatists, religious separatists, and small maneuverable militias that include breakaway military and Russian mercenaries. The middle ground will be occupied by Muslims, progressives, and the Earth and be relatively amiable with the government.
